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FaMa+ ERP system

Together, the individual editions of FaMa+ represent an ideal tool for the implementation of a complex ERP solution for the electronification and automation of the organization’s main processes in various fields of business environment, public administration and health care.

It offers intuitive user interface, great variability, wide customization options and integration with other information systems.

What you cannot measure,

you cannot manage.

Main benefits


Managerial outputs

Overview reports and online monitoring of the organization’s KPIs within the main processes of the organization.



High degree of data security with controlled access to data by role.



Support of standards in the field of accounting, reporting, budgeting, logistics, property, energy, and lease management according to applicable laws.


On-Premise solution

Modular solutions ensuring high levels of customization and cost-effectiveness.


Effective process management

Flexible workflow for automation management of the organization’s main processes.


Support of integration

Internal and external data and process integration of independently functioning information systems.


Registers and reports

Clear recording and reporting of accounting documents, finance, budget, property, material, activities, contracts and other documents.


Unification of methodology

Administration of multiple organizations within a single system, consistent cost and consumption records for managed organizations.


Responsive design

Access to data anywhere from your PC, tablet or mobile. Mobile app support and asset identification using QR and barcodes.


Facility management

On-premise software supporting comprehensive management and maintenance of buildings and technologies, administration of lease relations, repairs & reconstructions works and related services.

Energy management

Information system supporting prediction, monitoring and evaluation of consumption costs for all energy kinds with the goal to efficiently manage energy resources and gain cost savings.

Management of public assets

Information systems tailored to fit the needs of public institutions in comprehensive management of the entire life cycle of assets with the aim of achieving greater efficiency, cost savings and transparency in its management.

Hospital operations

Modular solutions to ensure comprehensive management of technical and operational support processes in hospitals and other healthcare intitutions.

IT service management

Robust yet modular solution for managing any IT service.

Process and data integration

Solutions for internal and external data and process integration of standalone information systems.

Financial and acounting agendas

Information system for administering finance and accounting within the organization.

About us

TESCO SW is one of the largest information technology companies in the Czech Republic.

Our mission is to provide added value to our customers in the form of our own innovative IT solutions.


Reference projects

  • Regionální centrum Olomouc
  • Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci
  • Centrum pro regionální rozvoj ČR
  • Úřad pro ochranu osobních údajů
  • Ministerstvo pro místní rozvoj ČR
  • Česká národní banka
  • Všeobecná fakultní nemocnice v Praze
  • Fakultní nemocnice Královské Vinohrady
  • Zdravotnická zařízení kraje Vysočina
  • Heimstaden
  • Pražská správa nemovitostí
  • TV Facility
  • Armádní servisní
  • Statutární město Havířov
  • Statutární město Přerov
  • Město Uherské Hradiště
  • Město Kyjov
  • Krajský úřad Středočeského kraje
  • Krajský úřad Pardubického kraje
  • Krajský úřad Královehradeckého kraje
  • Krajský úřad Libereckého kraje
  • Krajský úřad Moravskoslezského kraje
  • Krajský úřad Olomouckého kraje
  • Krajský úřad Karlovarského kraje
  • Krajský úřad Zlínského kraje

Our partners in the field of FaMa+

  • Com-Sys TRADE spol.s r.o.
  • Dezadata spol. s. r. o.
  • MERIT GROUP a.s.
  • Nesax s.r.o.
  • OR-NEXT spol. s r.o.
  • S&T CZ s.r.o.
  • TECHNISERV, spol. s r.o.
  • TECHNISERV IT, spol. s r.o.
  • TECH-STORE Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.

Business contact

Ing. Michal Tesařík, MBA
tel: +420 724 444 451


tř. Kosmonautů 1288/1, Olomouc
tel. 587333405